Top Schools in Jacksonville, Florida

Top Schools in Jacksonville, Florida
Experiencing learning from other schools can be very intriguing especially if you’re someone that likes adventures. As a tourist, you can as well visit the schools in the particular city to get to know more about the history and other facts about the particular school. There are lots of schools in Jacksonville and they all have a rich history. More so, their architectural edifice is very magnificent and a wonder to many tourists. Won’t it be nice to try and visit one or two during your stay in the area? To simplify your work, here’s a list of top schools in the city. Visit this link for Jacksonville, FL facts.
Flagler College
Flagler College is an old college in the city of Jacksonville. The school started in 1968 and has grown to have over30 undergraduate majors with master’s programs. The school is a private liberal arts college located in Jacksonville and has passed out lots of notable people in society. A visit to the school will tell you more about their history and life. Discover facts about Theatres in Jacksonville.
Edward Waters College
This college is another privately owned school in Jacksonville. It was established in 1866 by the AME church members. Also, the school was the first black college established in Jacksonville, Florida. It is one of the best colleges in the city.