Our Doors: Their Layers and How They’re Made

While at first thought a door might not seem all that significant—certainly there are many plain and forgettable doors out there—but doors serve as the portal to our homes and they can make big statements about the people who live there. Paramount Builders, Inc. offers fiberglass doors that are strong and robust as well as aesthetically pleasing with a beautiful hardwood look. Signet Fiberglass doors offer a wide variety of customizations and are scientifically designed to resist the wear and tear of daily usage that may lead to denting, splitting, cracking, or warping. Keep reading to learn a little more about the layers of our doors and how they’re made.
Door Layers & Manufacturing Process
Signet Fiberglass entry doors are a customized door option that recalls old world craftsmanship. The manufacturing process begins with solid, integrated frame. Stroke stiles, a sturdy 4 and 1/4″, and rails are then dovetailed and glued to the corners of the frame, providing unmatched strength and durability. Hinge stiles are finger-jointed, 2 and 5/8″, and made of hardwood, providing the highest level of structural integrity. All the entry systems are made with an anodized bronze threshold and complimentary riser and the inside door frame is hand-painted to match the door. Finally, all Signet Fiberglass doors are completed using an exclusive DuraFuse™ Finishing System that comes in four different beautiful grains (Mahogany, Fir, Cherry, and Oak) that each come with a 10 year warranty.
Customization & Other Advantages
There are a number of advantages that make these fiberglass doors an excellent option, ranging from the numerous customization options to the durability and energy efficiency they provide.
Customizable Size & Appearance
Signet Fiberglass doors can be customized for the unique needs and tastes of every customer. Door and sidelite widths and heights can be customized to 1/8″ increments, with the heights up to 8 feet. On top of choosing one of the four gorgeous wood grain finishes, customers also have the option of several unique styles. Doors panels can be styled with a number of moldings and fitted with various window glass patterns. If you’re planning to put your home on the market, a sturdy fiberglass door is a relatively inexpensive upgrade that usually has a high return on investment.
Energy Efficient
For both cooling and heating, the major escape areas of houses are windows and doors, but Signet Fiberglass doors are filled with a thermally efficient foam insulation and made with the best weather seals available in today’s market. They create an air-tight seal that keeps all the cooled or heated air inside where it belongs. This means everyone stays cozy and warm in the winter and cool in the summer, all while saving owners hundreds of dollars in energy costs. Most Signet Fiberglass doors are EnergyStar qualified, so you’ll know you’re getting one of the most energy efficient doors available.
Maximum Security & Durability
Signet Fiberglass entry doors are built to withstand an army pounding at the door—literally. They’ve been tested and proven to withstand a 40-pound battering ram plowing into the door from 12 feet away, not even giving by an inch, so there’s no need to worry that any amount of slamming will compromise the integrity, strength, or looks of the doors. These doors don’t just have a deadbolt lock resting on a wood door jamb, but come with a specialized metal-made security plate that prevents any intruders from breaching your home.
If your home’s entryway is in need of some TLC, consider choosing Paramount Builders, Inc. and Signet Fiberglass doors to beautify and secure your home.